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How to use

Your search options

Browse all species - This brings up the full list of trees species, which you can sort by trade or local names. The list includes commercial timbers (high volume) as well as lesser known hobby and rare timbers. More information is available for the commercial species.

Timber name search - Use this search if you know the scientific, common or trade name of the timber you are searching for.

Timber properties search - Use this to select and compare timbers according to properties such as density, durability, lyctine susceptibility, termite resistance, wood type and trade names.

Fact sheets

Choosing a species brings up a fact sheet for that timber (from a specific place of origin). The fact sheet provides available information about physical, mechanical and chemical properties, durability, pests, moisture correction factors, specifications for using the timber for construction in Queensland and some known uses for that timber.

  • Comparing timbers

    You can select up to 3 different timber fact sheets to compare on your screen simultaneously.

  • Movement calculator - shrinkage and expansion

    This calculates the predicted in-service movement (shrinkage or expansion) for a specific timber when it is transported between different environments. This is important when designing furniture for export. The calculator is available for many commercial timbers with known unit shrinkage data. The calculated figure is the predicted change in dimensions (swelling or shrinkage). To use the movement calculator:

    • select the species of interest and scroll down to the movement calculator button.
    • nominate the sawn orientation of the boards to be used, or select unknown if not sure.
    • enter the board width and thickness and hit calculate (or enter). If unsure, 100 mm wide and 25 mm thick are common dimensions.

    For more calculations, enter the new parameters and hit the calculate button again.

  • Kiln schedule

    Kiln schedules (recommended drying conditions) are given for some key commercial timbers.

  • Moisture reading corrected for species

    Moisture resistance meters are often used as a convenient way to check the seasoned condition of timber before machining or manufacturing. This type of meter is usually calibrated to a single species, for example Douglas fir, so a correction factor is needed when used for other timbers. The correction factor takes account of differences in density, extractives and other parameters between timber species.

    Correction factors for resistance-type moisture meter readings between 6% and 23% are given for the main commercial timber species available in Australia

  • Conditions for use

    There are industry standard conditions for using timber in construction and in other applications. These conditions refer to the environment the timber will be used in, and the expected lifetime of the application. Use conditions are provided for most commercial timbers, but not every timber entered in the database. The fact sheets provide:

    A map of Queensland’s local government area geographical areas (on which the conditions for use are based)

    Maps of above-ground and below-ground decay hazard levels (zones), which refer to the local government areas.

    A location search that allows you to choose the local government area the timber will be used in.

    A results table shows the conditions for using this timber in that area. It gives conditions for use in 7 different design life expectancies and environments; relevant above-ground and below-ground decay zones; approval for use and which conditions apply; a link to summaries of conditions for each target application.

    A-Z building applications is a list of building components, relevant environments, target design life expectancies and applications.

    Key to A, C and H codes lists all the condition, hazard and advisory codes shown in the results table.

    Seasoning and timber moisture content provides information about the influence of moisture content on the performance of timber in use, and how to manage it.

    Notes about using wood provides information about wood density, grade quality, preservatives, decks, CCA treated timber and Queensland pine beetle.

Advanced selection tool

This filter allows you to select and compare timbers according to properties such as density, durability, lyctine susceptibility, termite resistance, wood type, or trade names.

Use the Features Available list to filter and group tree species (Entities) with common timber attributes. Select a feature and the species that score positively will remain, the others will be discarded.

As you select new features, the species list will be resorted. All currently selected features remain visible in Features Chosen, even when the features trees are collapsed.

There are a lot of species, so sorting may take a moment.

Factsheet help and glossary

Explanations and glossary of technical terms. Go to Fact sheet help

Links greyed-out or not working?

This means there are no data for this species or function.
